Social Trading Platforms: Community-driven Strategies For Forex Mining In New York

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Social Trading Platforms: Community-driven Strategies For Forex Mining In New York – For a marketer, there is nothing worse than struggling with a creative block. Use this huge list of social media post ideas for every social network. Wherever your audience is most active, you’re sure to find something you’ve never shown them before.

1. Share Your Company’s Blog Posts Does your business have a blog? The best way to get your blog seen is to share it on your own social media platforms. Make sure the content you write for your business blog is valuable and connects with your audience. Origin

Social Trading Platforms: Community-driven Strategies For Forex Mining In New York

Social Trading Platforms: Community-driven Strategies For Forex Mining In New York

2. Post About Your Company Culture Show off your company culture with a photo or article that highlights what your business is all about. It could be a behind-the-scenes image of your employees doing something unique or an article about how your company does something a certain way. Source 3. Highlight Industry News Create a list of news sources in your industry, including trade publications or websites. Find those sources on Twitter and follow them. When they share something interesting, retweet it to your followers or share it on another social network, like Facebook or Google+. Source 4. Share Curated Content curation is simply sharing the content of others in your niche. Sometimes, the things you want to share with your audience are already written. Instead of spending time creating an in-depth post, you can quickly share other people’s content (giving them credit, of course). At , we use our Chrome Extension tool to help with our content curation. Here is an example of a Convince & Convert post shared from Oracle: Source

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5. Ask questions Not everything you share on social media has to be a blog post or article. Encourage your audience to talk and interact with each other by asking questions. For example, you might ask, “What kind of content should I blog about next?” Source 6. Showcase Product/Company Videos Visuals stand out when your audience is scrolling through their news feed. Research shows that videos have a 135% higher organic reach than images. Take advantage of this organic reach opportunity by sharing videos about your company or a new product you have. Source 7. Share Customer Reviews and Testimonials Source 8. Share Quick Tips and Advice Besides sharing the entire “How-to” post, you can share some tips that you think are the MOST IMPORTANT. Sharing simple news is an easy way to share important information with your audience. Here at , we call them “Pro Tips.” Source 9. Post Memes or GIFs Use memes and GIFs when publishing your content to add a fun spin to your post, making it too irresistible for your audience to scroll through in the past. GIFs are a great way to show off your brand’s personality, stay on trend, and have fun. – HeyOrca Memes and GIFs are very popular on social media, even among top companies. At , we recently started using memes and GIFs on Twitter and found that they receive more likes and retweets than regular images. Source 10. Run a Contest Get people to participate in a contest on social media related to your brand to boost engagement with existing followers. Contests help increase subscribers by requiring non-followers to follow your page to participate. Source 11. Celebrate a Holiday No matter where you live, holidays are a big deal. Show your holiday spirit by sharing a holiday-related post on your business page. Source 12. Share Photos From Company Events Bring your company culture posts further by sharing photos from a company event. If your business is hosting a charity event or fundraiser, a great way to spread awareness is by sharing it on social media. Source 13. Post an Answer to a Commonly Asked Question Instead of responding to the same question over and over again, solve it in its entirety by sharing a post with the answer. Be sure to “pin” the answer to the top of your social media page, so your audience can easily see it. Here’s how to pin posts on Facebook and Twitter. Source 14. Share Infographics Infographics are a fantastic way to present a step-by-step guide, especially on Pinterest. Infographics allow you to share a ton of information with visuals. They make boring statistics attractive!

15. Start a Conversation With a Leader in Your Industry Cross-promote yourself by starting a conversation with someone in your niche. Twitter is a great way to start a conversation that your audience can see. Find an industry leader’s Twitter handle and take the first step! Source 16. Link To Free Resources Who doesn’t love free stuff? Your audience will appreciate free resources, whether they’re ebooks, white papers, or other downloadable content. Put together a content bundle or a downloadable infographic, so your audience can use it as a reference. You can get all our bundles for FREE here! 17. Highlight Podcast Episodes Sometimes reading content can take a while, so give your audience a break and share a podcast episode. Even better, start your own! Check out this post to help you get started with your own podcast. Source 18. Post a New Job Listing Is your team expanding? Let your audience know! Who better to work for your company than a dedicated fan who has watched your company grow? Maybe they have a friend who is interested in working for you. Be sure to list what positions are open like Built Visible does in this example: Source 19. Highlight New Team Members After posting your job listing, chances are you’ll find the right candidate. Once you find the right candidate(s), take it further and present them to your audience. Let everyone know you’re excited to have them on your team. Source 20. Celebrate National Days Check out to find things like National Donut Day — and tons of other days you probably didn’t know existed. Post content for product lines relevant to that day. Source 21. Promote An Event Create a Facebook Event Page to make your event more attractive to your audience. Then promote the heck out of it on your social media channels! Source 22. Post Live Videos Live videos have become huge on social media lately. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat have options for going live. Find the platform that works for you and where you can get the most views from your audience. Try making this a weekly series. For example, “Tip Tuesday” or “Fun Fact Friday.” This way, your audience will definitely focus on those days. 23. Promote Email Sign-Ups If your audience wants to attend a webinar or demo, you’ll need to let them know by promoting a sign-up link on social media. Promote signup forms for webinars, demos, email newsletters, and more. Source 24. Create Image Scrambles You’ll have your audience scratching their heads when you post image scrambles. Image scrambles can be posts where an image is scrambled up or zoomed in, so your audience has to guess what it is. This tactic is a great way to get engagement from your audience. Origin

25. Post Inspirational Quotes Inspirational quotes can be cheesy, but they’re also effective if done right. At , we use quotes from industry leaders that our audience will find relatable. Find quotes from leaders in your industry or testimonials from your audience that will resonate with your target audience. Source 26. Company Accomplishments Believe it or not, your audience wants to see you succeed. Share your successes with them on social media and celebrate together! Let your audience know if you’ve won an award or reached a certain milestone! Source 27. Host a Twitter Chat A Twitter chat is a conversation around a unique hashtag. The hashtag allows you to follow the discussion and participate in it. Twitter chats are usually recurring and on specific topics to regularly connect people with these interests. When hosting your Twitter chat:

Plan and promote your chat through Twitter. Source 28. Ask for Customer Feedback Find out how customers will react before your product updates or upcoming events by getting customer feedback.

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You can do this through a Twitter poll to get your answer. Source 29. Post How-To Videos Create short and simple how-to videos that explain how a product or feature works. People are more likely to try your product once they see it in use. Origin

30. Share Product Reviews User reviews are proven sales drivers. Try to share positive reviews of your products. You can also review a tool your company uses or integrates to help drive sales. Source 31. Post Pictures Or Videos Of Your Product The best way to show how something works is through visual representations. Give your audience a first-hand look at how your product works, and maybe even give a cool tip they might not know if they didn’t see the photo or video. Source 32. Featured User Generated Content We know you have super fans. Don’t be afraid to show them off by posting fan-worthy content. Posting user content exposes your brand to the real world and creates free promotion. Source If a fan posts something noteworthy

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